Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My mother was buried on June 21, 2007. We were not told when she died.

The hate mail started on June 26, 2007. We reported it to the police the same day.

On June 27, 2007, the police came after me with the court order for a 30 day mental evaluation, accusing me of being insane and dangerous..

Weeks later, I found out that a complete stranger wanted me silenced - and why: My accuser, the mise en cause who applied for the court order, was one Kenneth Gregoire Prud’homme, a person I do not know and with whom I have never spoken.

This same Kenneth Gregoire Prud’homme was named as liquidator of a will made in my mother’s name when she was about 92 years old, and handicapped mentally and physically. Our mother had been kept in total isolation for nine years,under the sole influence and total control of Debbie and Dawn Mcsweeney and their associates - who are called "Partners in Crime" on Dawn McSweeney's own web blog.

My mother was totally dependent on them. They held her life in their hands.

The perpetrators of this scheme knew that when I found out about the 2005 will, I would start investigating the circumstances of the creation of such a document. I had to be discredited, intimidated and silenced.

The 2005 will is the most recent of a series of bizarre events. It all started when I was attacked and robbed in my parents' home at 4995 Prince of Wales, NDG, Montreal on October 7, 1996.

Read the details of these crimes on this blog.

Crime is easy in Montreal. Fighting for justice takes courage and determination.

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