Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Richard Wagner was a self-proclaimed anti-Semite and composed some of the most beautiful music ever heard.

Roman Polanski raped a 13-year-old girl and directed one or two of the best movies in the last century.

Charles Dickens was a terrible husband who was appallingly cruel to his wife, yet wrote some of the best novels in the English language.

Carravaggio was a murderer and a fugitive but his painting can stir our souls.

It has been like this since time and art began; human monsters who can create beautiful things.

Which stirs the ageless debate----can we separate the artist from the art---and in fact should we? "

The Art and the Artist - CBC - THE SUNDAY EDITION

Not only is Dawn McSweeney beautiful, she is a talented poet -

And a thief who destroyed her own family. 

All the details of this case are reported on this blog.

Phyllis Carter

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